
Become A Villager – It’s More Than a Membership
When you join the Troy Historical Society, you become a Villager. Your membership preserves local history and supports hands-on learning for all ages at the Troy Historic Village. You also join an enthusiastic group of folks who appreciate history, preservation, learning, and community.
All Members Enjoy:
- Free General Admission to the Village
- Discounts on Public Programs, Classes, and Events
- Access to Members Only Tours and Programs
- 10% Discount in the Village Store
- Village Press Quarterly Newsletter and Eblasts about Upcoming Events
- An Invitation to our Annual Members Meeting with an Ice Cream Social
All memberships are for one full year or two full years, and start when you submit your payment.
Register for our Members-Only Meetup: Field Trip! on March 24Choose your Membership Level:
Individual Membership
$35/1 year or $60/2 years
Household Membership
$55/1 year or $90/2 years
Patron Membership
$150/1 year or $250/2 years
Up to 6 adults and/or children
Additional Patron Benefits include:
- 4 tickets to the Annual Barnard Bash Donor Event.
- North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association Membership which gives you free admission to museums like Meadowbrook Hall, Detroit’s Charles H. Wright, Kalamazoo Air Museum, and more! (visit for up-to-date information)
Barnard Benefactor Membership
$350/1 year or $600/2 years
Up to 10 adults and/or children
Additional Barnard Benefactor Benefits include:
- 4 tickets to the Annual Barnard Bash Donor Event.
- North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) Association Membership (visit for up-to-date information)
Business Membership
$1000/1 year
Any Business Size
Business Membership Benefits:
- A Village Day for your Business! Free admission on a day of your choosing for your employees and families, subject to Village availability; this could be during our regular business hours M-F 10am-3pm or a special booked 3-hour block on an evening or weekend.
- 10% Discount on purchases in the Village Gift Shop on your Village Day.
- Half-page ad once per year in the Village Press Newsletter.
- Village Press quarterly newsletter and eblasts about upcoming events.
- Village ExPress, flyers and other program information delivered to your business.
- An Invitation to our Annual Members Meeting with an Ice Cream Social.
- 10 tickets to the Annual Barnard Bash Donor Event
- 20% Discount on the base price of Village Rentals for your Business-based meeting, gathering, or social event.
Please Call 248-524-3570 or email to arrange your Business Membership!