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About the Troy Historical Society

The Troy Historical Society
The Troy Historical Society, established as a 501.c.3 nonprofit corporation in 1966, administers the Troy Historic Village for the City of Troy through a renewable management agreement. Troy Historical Society provides engaging education and enrichment programs at the city-owned Troy Historic Village as well as outreach programs for schools and adult groups. Nearly 30,000 guests visit the Village each year, including 15,000 students, chaperones, and teachers from public, private, and charter schools in southeast Michigan. The Troy Historical Society is committed to expanding awareness of the Village as an outstanding center for history education, arts and culture, and inclusive community engagement.

The Society welcomes new Villagers! Click here for membership information.

The Troy Historical Society engages the community and enables life-long exploration of history by sharing and preserving our stories, artifacts, and buildings through creative, meaningful experiences.

The Troy Historical Society enhances knowledge and historic context through the resources and activities centered at the Troy Historic Village. We provide opportunities for community development, social interaction, and open dialogue on issues of importance. The Troy Historical Society will enrich lives as we connect our experiences to the past and to each other.

The Troy Historical Society provides a welcoming environment that:

  • Engages visitors in positive learning experiences and social interactions by embracing innovative and creative programs for individuals and the community
  • Promotes stewardship of and adherence to the highest standards of historic preservation, managing resources with integrity and transparency
  • Respects the significance of history as we seek knowledge, understanding, perspective, and relevance in our lives
  • Recognizes artifacts as social objects and catalysts for sharing information and ideas
  • Encourages civil discussion, objective analysis, and critical thinking
  • Treats all people with dignity and respect and strives to make buildings, artifacts, and programs accessible to all

Board Officers
Ken Heck / President
Kevin Enright / Vice President
Ken Meskin / Treasurer
John Lavender / Assistant Treasurer
Kris Rose / Secretary

Board Members
Howard Adams
Garrick Allison
Barbara Chambers
Kristi Hudson
Jagdish Karira
Padma Kuppa
Sue Lavender
Kevin Lindsey
Beena Nagappala
Michael Nowosatko
JoAnn Preston
Cindy Stewart

Ex Officio
Jen Peters / Executive Director

Would you like to learn more about joining the Troy Historical Society Board of Trustees? Please click here for more information about expectations of the Board and how to apply.

Business Documents
The Troy Historical Society aspires to best practices and transparency as a nonprofit corporation. The following documents are available for public review and download.  Please call Jennifer Peters, Executive Director at 248-524-3301 if you have questions about anything contained in these documents or reports.

Troy Historic Village 2024 Annual Report
Troy Historical Society Strategic Plan
Troy Historic Village Master Plan
Link to Guidestar

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